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Boing!. Administration comments. Boing!.


With Gateway currently looking as if they`ve scraped the Amiga, what does the future hold for us (let's face it - few) remaining followers? Who knows. I hope that someone can get their act together and produce an Amiga clone that's fast, cheap, and beats the crap out of any PC and has a wonderful OS. Are these dreams? Or am i just letting my imagination run wild? Who knows what the future will be like...

Long Live The Amiga.

Dave ~1999 (Coder, Co-Owner, HCAdmin).



I'm not sure what to make of the current "pass the Amiga" trend. Either stick with it or give it to someone who will. Time is running out... As Amiga owners we should all thank the many third party manufactures and suppliers who have kept the platform up-to-date and even ahead of current PC developments. Phase 5 and their PPC cards deserve a huge thank you, now if only I could afford one...



To be posted...

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